Ingesting CBD Gold Concentrate

Ingesting CBD Gold Concentrate

CBD Gold Concentrate contains the highest concentration of cannabidiol (24% – 27%).  It has also been filtered numerous times throughout the extraction process. Cold Co2 is used in this procedure ensuring a safe and healthy product.

You may notice a mild “bite” to the Gold Concentrate as it dissolves under your tongue.  The intensity is similar to black pepper, yet less spicy.  Most of the feedback I have received is positive.  In fact, many have said they can tell it is working as compared to the watery CBD “oil” which is administered with an eyedropper. 

The Gold Concentrate is a paste-like substance which is best contained in a needle-less syringe.  I think this is a creative way to store and administer this product.  There are several methods to ingest this plant compound such as; on your finger, spoon, popsicle stick, butter knife etc. 

I have discovered an easy efficient way to consume CBD Gold Concentrate:

  1. Break a Q-tip® in half
  2. Hold the cotton side between your thumb and pointer finger
  3. Gently squeeze a ¼” to ½” ribbon onto the broken side while twisting
  4. Place the Q-tip® with the CBD Gold Concentrate under your tongue
  5. While holding down your tongue, slowly spin and remove the Q-tip®
  6. Let the CBD Gold Concentrate melt away (about 90 seconds)
  7. If desired, drink some water or your favorite beverage

Depending on your health issue, repeat this procedure 2 or 3 times per day until your desired results are obtained.  Then, back down to once per day and increase the frequency again if needed.  Enjoy your health!


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