Tap into the Benefits of CBD

CBD is known to effectively adjust and maintain homeostasis aiding in our body’s natural healing process.


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About Jeff Santti

Hello and welcome! My name is Jeff, owner and operator of Health From Amazon where you will find high quality CBD (Cannabidiol) products. All the CBD products that you find on this website are personally tested by me. I believe that these products can help you with many of your health issues, just like they’ve helped me over the years.

I had suffered from various health ailments like inflammatory pain, anxiety, insomnia as well as prostate issues. I was always looking for natural methods to get relief from these health problems.

After researching, using and sharing CBD (Cannabidiol) for many years, I discovered that there are inconsistencies in the product. Before I decided to try CBD products, I was a bit apprehensive. But when a person suffers from pain, no matter what the degree, the hope of relief outweighs the risk of side effects.

Initially, I started with CBD oil, which at that time, was starting to get popular. The most common method of ingesting was using an eyedropper to syphon oil from a small bottle. From my initial experience trying CBD oil, I didn’t get any noticable results and it tasted awful.

So I continued researching intensely over the following months. After discovering cold Co2-extracted CBD from industrial hemp, I decided to give it another try. I chose the Gold Concentrate because the concentration of cannabidiol is up to 27%.

Within ten minutes from taking the first dose sublingually, I didn’t have any pain or discomfort. This was over three years ago, and I’ve still take it as needed. Gold Concentrate became an important part of my life.

While regularly taking the CBD Gold Concetrate, I continued researching CBD products. I’ve received relief from inflammatory pain, anxiety, insomnia plus many other health issues—including prostate problems.

CBD Ultra Concentrate

My mission to find CBD which provides the best health improvement is continuous and ongoing. Recently, I tried 99% pure isolate, but without other cannabinoids to enhance the effectiveness. It was not an improvement over the Gold Concentrate.

I decided to continue my research. I eventually met a process development chemist who was willing to work with me to find the ideal CBD/cannabinoid ratio. I made him aware of my requirements including no THC or other psychoactive compounds.

After several trials of various extracted mixtures, he came up with a CBD blend that is simply amazing. It contains over 80% CBD with other natural terpenes and flavonoids. It is the CBD Ultra Concetrate and it’s been the most effective CBD product I’ve tried so far.

In my blog posts, I share many more details about my experience using CBD products and how they have made a tremendous difference in my overall health. Having tried and tested all the CBD products that you will find on this website, my hope is that I can help others who are in the similar situation that I was in, a few years ago.

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At Health From Amazon you can expect to get CBD that is high quality and personally tested to help you with your health issues.



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