Tap into the Benefits of CBD

CBD is known to effectively adjust and maintain homeostasis aiding in our body’s natural healing process.


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Who can Benefit from CBD?

Humans have an endocannabinoid system which consists of cannabinoid receptors and enzymes. Our bodies have two main receptors which are located in the central nervous system, lungs, liver and kidneys.

CBD (Cannabidiol) activates the receptors and signals multiple intracellular communicators located throughout our neurological system.

CBD is known to effectively adjust and maintain homeostasis which is why so many people have testimonies of significant healing and radically improved health. Please do your own research to better familiarize yourself with this amazing plant compound. You will also find more information below.

Benefits of CBD Cannabidiol
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What is Homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the stability of equilibrium processes along with chemical and physical stability of cells in living organisms. The components of the chemical processes are food, oxygen and water. The physical components are barometric pressure and temperature.

When cells perform their inherent activity without limitation, homeostasis is achieved. This includes all the organs of the body working together to maintain body fluid stability. Factors which may inhibit homeostasis are pain, heat and stress. Hypoxia occurs when there is a lack of oxygen to the body in whole or specified regions. This condition will work against optimal homeostasis.

CBD is known to promote anandamide production which encourages homeostatic regulation by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the body. This is very important because it promotes nerve cell development in the brain with a process called neurogenesis. This process improves control center signaling and enhances learning and memory function.

CBD Customer Testimonials

Hello and welcome to Health From Amazon! My name is Jeff, owner and operator of this website where you will find high quality CBD (Cannabidiol) products which have been personally tested by me.

Over the years, I have suffered from various health ailments and have been always looking for natural alternatives to get relief from these health problems.

After researching, using and sharing CBD (Cannabidiol) for many years, I discovered that there are inconsistencies in the product. I’ve tried and tested various forms and concentrations of Cannabidiol, including CBD oil.

Thus far, CBD Ultra Concentrate, which contains over 80% CBD with other natural terpenes and flavonoids, has been the most effective. It has provided relief from inflammatory pain, anxiety, insomnia plus many other health issues, including prostate problems.

You can learn more about my experience by clicking the button below.

About Jeff Santti


At Health From Amazon you can expect to get CBD that is high quality and personally tested to help you with your health issues.



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